Thursday, March 19, 2009

Terrible Twos

First off Happy Birthday Chuck! 40 years old and still looking good.
Now on to the tantrums of my almost two year old. Maggie has always done things early she rolled over early started walking early, potty trained right on time but along with all her accomplishments come the early tantrums of a two year old. This whole week her friend has been on vacation which has upset Maggie to no end. Every time we went out to do anything she would be under the impression that we would go to her friends house there fore when we arrived home she would yell and kick and say No Home. Her kicking and screaming did not stop there it also applies to not being able to get what she wants. She has discovered marshmallows and wants to eat them all the time. Oh the joy of having little ones.
As far as Cecilia and Holly they have grown out the little girl tantrums and moved on to that's not fair and she started it as well of stay out of my room, do you have to look or touch me. Having girls can be such a trail, but yet fun we outnumber dad and we do love to shop.

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