Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cookie Craze

A cookie smack down about happened on Friday. On Friday I being the cookie mom for our troop went to the Ware house to help sort hundreds of cases of cookies. When we had sort all the troops orders for our area we noticed that some of the troops were short. We had a group huddle and the leader of the whole cookie craze told us that more were coming as soon as we knew which ones we were missing. This did not satisfy some of the cookie moms and if they were short they decided to take from others who not there. I was upset and told a mom to leave the cookie order alone that it was not right to take from people that were not here. She started yelling saying they should have been here and it was their fault if they are short because she was not going to be short on her order since she was there. I then told her that we should not punish someone for not being able to come and to leave the cookies alone and this went on for several minutes it got to the point were I wanted to B##### slap the women but instead I walked away and told on her like a three year old. Things were finally sorted out and we found the missing cookies and everyone filled their orders and cookies are being delivered this week.
In other news on Saturday I was able to escort two fifteen passenger vans down to Nauvoo to do baptisms for the dead. I was excited to finally get to go as an adult. We arrived at the temple and had all the youth get ready and I went to get my assignment I was happy to be there and do what ever they need me to do. I soon found out they needed me to be a mom. I was assigned to clean up the bathroom after the girls were done so that there wasn't water on the floor. I did my job well until the girls started to do their hair and the air was filled with way way to much hair product and i could not longer handle it and switched post with another mom. My new assignment was to wipe the stairs after each child is done being baptized. I could have stayed home and done this. It was a great experience and I will not be the first in line to help again but will help if asked.

1 comment:

  1. That would have been fun to see! I don't think I could have been there - I would have eaten a few boxes of thin mints.
